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Why I'm doing it: 2 months ago I changed our families diet to additive free... no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. It has been a fantastic change for the better, this is the next step.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: want to support Fight for Planet A and similar things
My radius: Within My State
My team: Team Research40
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I started a diploma of sustainable living this year and it has made me reflect on my food choices.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I love this challenge! As an occassional garden writer, and long term advocate of growing organic fruit and veg, the Local Harvest Challenge is about putting my words into practice to an even greater extent.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Have a garden growing veggies and herbs, some chooks and half a dozen fruit trees( not all producing yet). Want to reduce food miles further to decrease carbon footprint.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I'm passionate about the environment and growing and eating local food.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: In a pandemic it is perhaps rare to relate good news. Nevertheless, what I share here is the result of the current situation. Our family, finding ourselves in Stage 3 and now Stage 4 Lockdown in Melbourne, has been deprived of certain systems we neither admired or happily adhered to anyway in easier times. As the old scaffolding dismantled we discovered space to reconsider the direction of our lives and a desire to take more intentional control. One result has been what we call our ‘Milk Shop’.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I want to create a new healthy eating habit for me and my family. I want to switch to whole local ingredients, to minimize waste, to help local growers, to eat healthy food, and to be more connected to our community.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: It's time!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Always up for a challenge of accountability
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We need to change our behaviour and make a difference. I watched fight for Planet A.
My team: Green giants
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I dabble with buying and eating local produce but I never stick with it. I always revert to prepackaged food from large retail chains when I am short of time or out of habit. I want to stop this.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Gardening Australia
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I am doing the challenge because I feel completely disconnected from the processes behind my food, who grew it, who transported it and therefore felt no guilt in wasting it (until now). I'd like to learn about how I can engage others in supporting localised organic farming and a challenge seems to be an excellent place to start!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Whilst already doing many of the above listed items, expanding that and making a more consistent effort will be aided by this process, also a way of getting the family "on board"
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Climate change :)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Food waste and habits seem to be an area where I can really improve 'doing my bit' and I am excited to have support and resources to help me on my way !
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: action on climate change, more sustainable, just, resilient communities
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I got a greenhouse for my birthday last year, attended a few council sustainability workshops, and started composting. I want to be held accountable to stick to it as I start doing all of these things. :)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Looking at doing this locally
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I Like Home Gardening
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
Why I'm doing it: Project for kindergarten
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We need a better food system and I want to be part of it . I see this as part of getting rid of capitalism and making something better.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: (派对) 本来就是“宴会、聚会”的意思,从词义上和咱们的聚餐没有本质上的区别。 西方的派对和咱们聚餐之间的共同点都是为了聚会、交流和快乐,区别还是在于习俗和文化上。 西方的派对,一般都有明确的主题,生日派对、庆功派对、节日派对、宗教派对、党派派对、外交派对、私人派对、开放派对,甚至葬礼也有派对。 咱们的聚会更是司空见惯,除了上述的西方派对主题之外,咱们中国人请客吃饭可以有主题,也可以不需要主题,就是楞聚餐,有闲有钱即可。 从文化的视角来看,西方的派对以娱乐和社交为主要特征,不管什么主题,派对一般具有更加灵活的组织方式和形式,可以在公寓,也可以在大厅,可以在门前草坪,也可以在荒郊野地,既可以围坐餐桌,也可以烧烤自助,有些各种聊天和讨论,还常有不少娱乐小游戏和舞会助兴 主页 183bc74
Why I'm doing it: Sarah Wilson’s ‘this wild and precious life’ inspired me to do my part more.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Because I’ve been thinking about it for too long and today’s the day for change.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I've been very much interested in sustainability for a while. While I haven't been the best to reduce my carbon footprint (term made up by the fossil fuel industry to shift blame to consumers) I want to do what I can to be more eco-friendly
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: viagra 25
Why I'm doing it: I found this website from a school activity and I am interested in being eco friendly so I thought I’d try it!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Testing PHP Upgrade
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Dad is once again excited to be doing the challenge. I am too. I really like my bike and skateboard so we're going to ride the neighbourhood and see what's growing close-by. maybe meet some like-minded locals. I also like the figs growing in our front yard. I intend to eat them up!
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Cool guys
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Challenge
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am already doing some of this, but we all must make a concerted effort and I must do more. Thank you!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: By supporting local produce there will be more of it to choose from
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Have PDC and a garden growing veggies and herbs
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I realised I had been on a diet since age 7 I am now 33. I am sick and tired of my dysfunctional relationship with food. I have long been a fan of River Cottage and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall when I think about slow food growing and going to markets I feel happy
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Involved in Growing Abundance Project - wanted to support this and find out how it works. Would be good to connect our work with yours....
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Chemical free diet, joy of home made home gt Grown, sharing caring and promoting sustainable energy
My radius: In The Country
Why I'm doing it: I regularly buy and consume local food and support local farmers by being in a co-op
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: 2 months ago I changed our families diet to additive free... no artificial flavours
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Pot Luck Meal: QLD
Why I'm doing it: Feel we already do some local stuff but always keen to know how to do more.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: As a garden writer and long term advocate of growing organic fruit and veg the Local Harvest Challenge is about putting my words into practice to an even greater extent.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I love this challenge! My husband, two children and I live on a farm. We attend farmers markets in Sydney most weekends we also buy bread/cheeses and other produce there too. That said I still find I make at least one trip to the supermarket every week for boring household items such as porridge oats nappies and tinned tomatoes. This challenge will be a great way for me to see if I can actually avoid the supermarket all together and not blow our budget!
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My Pot Luck Meal: nappies and tinned tomatoes. This challenge will be a great way for me to see if I can actually avoid the supermarket all together and not blow our budget!
Why I'm doing it: Many of the challenges we do sporadically or used to do a lot more. The challenge is a great opportunity to refocus and realign our everyday actions with sustainable and ethical processes and systems and support people growing and producing fair tasty food.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I want to support the environment amd local produces and learn more about my area.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: We are so lucky to have a great farmers market nearby a garden patch local butchers and friends who grow fruit. Yet we still find ourselves short of time and taking shortcuts when we don't really need to.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My Pot Luck Meal: trial
Why I'm doing it: Love the 100 mile concept and the power it has of improving our community and reducing the impact on the planet of Green house gases. It just makes sense
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We will all be blogging
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: After watching "Hungry for change" online, my partner and I realised how we are now eating too much processed foods and how we need to get back to nature, the way our body functions best! we are going to eat only food that we eat in its natural form, like an apple instead of a muesli bar! We have a herb garden which we are adding too and we are going to support local farmers and food stores by not buying from the grocery store.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I love healthy fresh food with great taste and Woolworths Coles Aldi etc. just don't cut it! For a long time I've been appauled that produce takes so long and travels so far to get to a supermarket shelf and I'm excited about doing something about it even if it's just a small step in the right direction.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Pot Luck Meal: even if it's just a small step in the right direction.
Why I'm doing it: I'm traveling for the week April 1-8. Usually I'd 'take the easy route' and buy meals from takeaway shops and cafes but I'm going to try my best to buy from markets
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I've always been interested in healing (and am studying naturopathy at the moment). One of the 'laws' of naturopathy and homeopathy is "let your food be your medicine". I wonder how many of our illnesses can be conquored before they even occur using food as our medicine. Eating locally and organically not only makes people happy, but our earth happy.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Interested in seasonal organic produce and getting back to basics eg growing, preserving & sharing. Just set up our first worm farm. Compost, grow, preserve and want to do more.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Have a chemical free pasture raised farm producing chooks
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I started reading Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver last year and it really opened my eyes to how satisfying this could be. It's a big challenge! A lot will need to change... almost a fresh start really. But I'm sure it will be worth it!
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I love the idea of this I like to think this is not just for a week but for a lifetime. I believe I make pretty good choices relating to food but I think you can always challenge yourself even further. Looking at the list of challenges I can already see a few new things to try.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My Pot Luck Meal: other
Why I'm doing it: It's a great idea!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To try to improve the environmental sustainability of my lifestyle
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To try to improve the environmental sustainability of my lifestyle support local producers learn new skills and ideas and investigate society's dependence on overseas markets and the dominance and reliance on supermarkets in Australia.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I do a bit. Like make own bread and hot cross buns but i get slack about calling in to supermarkets when i'm not organised. Want to make lots of the products I buy eg bread pasta. Maybe try make own soymilk. And yay to team captain for organising this:)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Pot Luck Meal: VIC
Why I'm doing it: I started ticking above be do nearly all of these alreadyI am passionately committed to creating sustainable local food systems and am heavily involved in our local food cooperative in Tassie. I also grow my own and coordinate gatherings for other growers to connect.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My Pot Luck Meal: TAS
Why I'm doing it: We need to support our farmers and small communities so that we can be truly sustainable for the future.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I already source a significant amount of produce from within a 100 mile radius, but this challenge will step things up a notch.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: To eat Healthier.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: It just makes sense.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I live 15 mins north of Melbourne Airport and are surrounded by local producers. I also make a few items at home from things I grow. I'm interested to see if food expensive when it is grown locally!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Wishing to challenge myself more and more to be more and more conscious fo what foods we eat and where is it coming from.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I have been growing my own good for a number of years and have recently started a local business to help others do the same. My aim is to ever increase the contribution I make to producing and preserving my own food. I have recently started making my own sourdough I make yoghurt and am planning on working on getting my own hive by the end of the year. We also have chooks. We save loads of money and eat super tasty and spunky looking food we produce. I want to show my young son where food really comes from and provide him with the skills to grow his own.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am well aware that our food chain has been compromised and I want to know more about local produce grown by local farmers.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I think I do it already mostly
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: A friend of mine has inspired me to try this. I grew up on a farm so the idea of this is not really new to me.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I'm looking at food alternatives to the major shops!
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I live smack bang in the middle of the city but have a husband from the country and a beautiful little girl. I have a pretty good inner-city balcony edible garden and am interested in urban foraging. I think we need to protect our food source and better utilise space for growing food within our cities.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: After becoming a vegetarian 6 months ago it seemed logical to start my own vege garden. As a result I am able to enjoy fresh homegrown veges
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Pot Luck Meal: 10
Why I'm doing it: Want to stimulate my local food resources both grown in the local area and support local businesses so they thrive and supply me with fresh local produce so in times of change or disaster I have a good supply of local food
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am trying to grow more vegies from heritage seeds and from my own seeds. Also grow more soft fruits etc but my area is very dry therefore need to do this without buying tank water so mulching and reuse of grey water.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I am signed up with Sustainable Table and I love what they do they introduced you guys to me.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I really want to reduce my impact on the environment and stop being a slave to the supermarket monsters!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am so passionate about supporting local produce - after starting to grow my own fruit veggies and herbs a couple years ago I am now super keen to help educate other people on how important healthy and rewarding it can be to do this for yourself. I love teaching friends about how easy it is to grow even one or two of their favourite veggies and herbs and love to see their amazement when they realise how simple it can be!
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Pot Luck Meal: state
Why I'm doing it: It's time to get serious about the environment and planning for our childrens' childrens' future. Our planet can't continue in its current state
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: A few years of prioritising work and living overseas and we've drifted away from a sustainable, locally connected lifestyle. Loved doing the challenge in 2013!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I'm really keen to learn more about where to find locally produced food!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Bek & James
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I want to become awake around me about food, plant, world. I want to know about the relationship between living creatures around me. And this will be the first and small step and I expect that become big meaning to me.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I've done this before and it's always good to re-focus on what you are purchasing and where it comes from.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We have started up an environmental club at our school, and this challenge is providing us with an initial focus and tuning us into the choices we make everyday relating to food, community and the environment.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Eco Enthusiasts
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Here again. We are at a wedding in northern NSW for the first week, so be interesting to try to find at least one outstanding local food for each meal... while traveling! Chance to see what's local while away.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Cool guys
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Great "excuse" to investigate new local food options. Like the idea of the challenge week to give me a deadline and goals to work towards that otherwise get overlooked in the busyness and usual routines. Love the flexibility of this challenge that lets participants focus on the areas of interest (and definition of 'local') that works for them.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Seed Savers Albury-Wodonga
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Already do almost all already - hope to inspire others
Why I'm doing it: A good time
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: We really believe in the importance of buying and eating local food. Partly for the health and social benefits to us, but also to support small scale farmers who cannot compete against the big end of town.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am a believer in eating as local as possible, reducing food miles, increases freshness and therefore nutrients and helps create communities. I have a vegetable garden that is showing me that the soil needs something put back after all my taking and I resist the effort, so feel a good challenge for me this week would be to get going with my compost, so I have chosen to challenge myself by committing to making a compost pile this week to get started.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Seed Savers Albury-Wodonga
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: A good thing yo do
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We try to grow most of what we eat in our garden. We love sharing our produce, preserves and meals made from scratch.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Starting again with my garden and I want to need too know where my food comes from. Taking care of my mid body and soul 😃😃🙏🏻🙏🏻
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I have always tried to eat locally but this will focus me even more.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I'm taking the challenge because I am interested in eating locally but need to dedicate more time to it - now seems like a great chance to learn more about my local area and what it has to offer.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Seed Savers Albury-Wodonga
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Bringing more connection between our lives and the food that we eat
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To help care for the environment and be motivated to improve my efforts to help.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: This provides an opportunity to have a conversation with in our family and network about the food we eat every day.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2016 & currently having Chemotherapy Treatment. I want & eed to maintain a healthy diet & lifestyle in order to regain my good health & fitness.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I want o eat local produce
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Local Thomas
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: To grown organic vegetables and to eat organic food. Go to my local green gover and offer our herbs that we are growing
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I dabble with buying and eating local produce but I never stick with it. I always revert to prepackaged food from large retail chains when I am short of time or out of habit. I want to stop this.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Health
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I've been committed to eating local for a number of years now. I have recently moved to NSW and want to learn about the local foods movement here.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am hoping to make a small change in the world.
My radius: Within My State
Why I'm doing it: To try and live more sustainably and be more conscience of where our food is sourced from.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Support our farmers Eat more sustainably and My own health and safety
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: No better time to re-open my eyes to what's around me in my own little patch of the world! Easy to forget the possibilities amongst the noise and rush of everyday living. I'm planning to eat well, learn more about what is grown close by and prepare new dishes to entice the family! All part of the journey of living in a more whole and connected way.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I truly love food, and I think that the connection between a strong body and a healthy soul can be found in what we choose to nourish our body with. The concept of a community nurturing and lovingly caring for the produces they bring to the table, I believe reperesents the basis for a better future, where respect for nature itself and our wellbeing go hand in hand rather than exploiting our planet with no mercy. I love the ideal of communal sharing, where that element of humanity is instilled into the sourching and preparation process, with the ultimate goal of a greater good.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: We love a little food challenge! Eating healthy and wholesome as well as sustainably is a big part of our family life and our Ecolosophy business ethos too. We live in WA, hundreds of kilometres from a city, farmers' market, dairy or market garden but we grow heaps of our own food and swap lots with friends. Rose has been 'big two' supermarket free for three years now which is a pretty mean feat living in a small regional town. We're hoping the local harvest challenge will push our creativity with the food we have available even further. Good luck everyone!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Ecolosophy
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I'm a member of Ceres Fair Food and I buy all other food from the local organics store at preston Market and anything that can support buy local is a great thing
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: - The Local Harvest Challenge is a great idea, it shows that our individual efforts are part of a bigger whole and that together we are creating and inspiring change for the better. - Buying and eating local builds a vibrant, resilient local communities. - Growing food is a great teacher, it is through the effort of growing food that we develop an appreciation for how much effort really goes into getting food onto our plates.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Transition 3081
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I have wanted to purchase locally made produce and products for a very long time. I am also passionate about reducing the amount of packaging I am purchasing as a byproduct of buying food but have been stumped as to how to do this. I am very keen for ideas on this topic.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Encourage my worm farm to be more active. Compost more organic waste from garden and kitchen Grow more vegetables in my garden Mulch my garden to conserve moisture - use less water
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I want to go that step further towards putting my money where my mouth is and where it counts
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I want to support my local producers and to encourage more shop/food outlets to use organic/local produce.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
Why I'm doing it: 50 Mile Farmers Market Latrobe Valley is a new market in Latrobe Valley, initially in Morwell with a vision to start up in Moe. A 50 Mile Food Market will run regularly from this site drawing from local producers within a 50 mile radius, gathering and maintaining a local fresh food. The ambition is to support sustainable agriculture, local food production, community supported agriculture, organic farming and slow food culture.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: 50 Mile Farmers Market Latrobe Valley
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Its so important to start to awake to regenerative eating!!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Evolve
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: The Hills Food Frontier was started by a group of women about a year ago. It has grown and been very successful. We have a FB page and website and we recently hosted the Fair Food Documentary. We like your idea and want to inspire others to take this challenge
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Love local love the idea of supporting Australians in order to know where our food is coming from.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I did this last year and found it interesting so I'm back again, but this time I think I can only eat Vic produce. This will be a good way to refresh and remind myself of the importance of supporting local farmers.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I like to know where my food has come from and how it has been produced. I also think our local food producers deserve our support. This helps them to be less reliant on food buying giants. It also helps employment in the bush.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: The Gourmet Grocer is a gourmet superstore online offering the world’s fine quality food products. Our delivery is prompt and reliable. We ship all throughout Australia.
Why I'm doing it: It’s so important to know where the food we eat has come from. How does that saying go think global but act local.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Transition 3081
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I am vegetarian so its already an advantage! However I have always wondered from where my food come from! The world is full of people! How food is provided to all of us?! Its a hard challenge! And its gets even harder because of the waste - a lot of food is threw away! I want to eat locally because it is a way to save energy and cooperate with local markets! Eating organic is also really important because our body and Earth are our "home" and we need to provide the best for them!
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I've let the composting go as my worms were over-whelmed, but have time this week to get it sorted again. Thanks for the challenge to re-ignite my green action.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Tasmania’s oldest established vineyard, multi-award winning Pinot Noir and Chardonnay selling a range of other award winning Tasmanian wines and offering cellar door and freight-free service Australia-wide
Why I'm doing it: Started to follow "Trash is for Tossers" and would like to join the bandwagon
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: i love the idea that something as ingrained as our diets can be an agent of change to support our community, the earth, and those who aim to bring delicious and cruelty free food to us out of the passion of their own hearts. by putting my money towards that, i hope to assist in making it a more mainstream idea for us to focus on how we're living and how we can be the best and most loving people we can be
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I want to out back into the community and not leave such a large foot print for future generations. I wuold ilke to live a more sustainable envoronmental lifestyle
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am a local and I want to support my fellow locals. I like eating healthily and I like the idea of sustainable, ethical living.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: GrewTwo
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We've recently moved to Sydney from NZ. Want to reintroduce the sustainable elements we had in our lifestyle there into our life here.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: The Days
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am on a mission to change the way I buy my food. I want to eat foods that haven't travelled or been in storage for ages, I want to buy direct from the farmers supporting local businesses and I want to know who has produced the food I am eating.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: From the little town of Todmorden in England they have a brilliant story, view it here:
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: The Organic Experience
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Doing my bit for the environment, support the local community and be healthier!
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I dream of old world living
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Why wouldn't you want to?
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I've been living abroad for a while where it was much harder to source the food I ate. I stopped eating meat because of it but have not progressed much since. Now that I'm in Melbourne I've decided it's time to up the ante!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Crowdsurfing Carrots
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We are interested to see how locally we can actually eat.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I have tried to move away from supermarkets for a long time because of their abuse of farmers. I come from a long line of farmers but I am the first generation that has not had the opportunity to live off the land. I have a huge urban block of land and I just wish to live more sustainably and cheaply and support local farmers where I am unable to grow my own (eg my local council doesn't allow bee keeping). Thank you for motivating me.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We have recently opened a coffee shop in our community and we want to support 'localism' and have more meaningful connections within our community.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I wish I had discovered this event sooner! I've dedicated my 2014 NY resolutions to most of these challenges! I look forward to further encouraging others to participate also!
My team: LOSH
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: It is a chance to "formalise" some of what I am doing and to encourage others to think about some of the issues. I am looking forward to to having other local families doing the challenge this year to bounce ideas off, share source of food and have a pot luck dinner.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Local Food Connect
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I love being a detective. Finding out the mysterious story of my food. I'm really keen to crack open one of last year's homemade ciders. Don't know if it's a success or not yet. It's been quietly brewing for 12 months. We also really enjoyed doing the challenge with others in our area last year. Looking forward to another celebration meal.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: life is so much more interesting when I inhabit the place that is all around me.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Local Food Connect
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We do most of this already (almost all the ones we ticked we are already doing) - so this is pushing us that little further :) We are inspired to be the change we wish to see!
My team: Ghost Gum Farm
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: For my year 11 research project, I have chosen to research into what factors influence people’s shopping habits for fruit and vegetables in the McLaren Vale region, and how much do the benefits of ‘low food miles’ play a role in consumer decisions. I plan to discover more about the topic myself before inquiring into how others feel about it, and for my final product, creating an information chart for people to have in their kitchen, informing of seasonal produce, and where it can be sourced locally.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Family!
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: To make me think about all the things in put in my mouth and what choices I haven't explored locally
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am 21yr old student who loves animals & vegetable gardens & all things sustainable. I already eat mostly from my garden: hen eggs, goat milk, honey, fruit & vegetables but I do buy the occasionally tropical fruit & bread, etc. I love preserving and have jars full of homegrown goodness and I recently have starting milking my goats and making kefir & cheese. There is a tonne of homegrown stone fruit and berries in the freezer from the Summer so I need to make use of all the 'forgotten' produce I have stored or preserved. I am going to be conscious of being as 100% local as possible (within 100 Miles), and source local alternatives for the things I do buy at the grocery store, e.g. grains/flour (and I am going to have to do without tropical fruit for a week, bananas and avos)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I would like to source local produce as I would like to reduce food miles associated with my food and know where it comes from.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Local Food Connect
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I work at a Food and Produce Market and usually buy all my produce from them. Im doing this to try and get others to do the same as it is easy to buy local and fresh and is cheaper and better for you and the environment
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Every little bit helps the local environment. Good way to raise awareness
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: It's a great idea and motivating to do it alongside others. Great to have a week to focus on and commit to.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I believe in eating and sourcing food locally
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Hoggett
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To become more educated and aware of what myself and mt family are eating and to support local farmers.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: A growing awareness of food miles, a growing compassion about reducing food wastage and supporting local communities.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: A vegan who loves to cook. I want to source local produce and be more environmentally aware with my food choices, to be a conscious consumer. To be a locavore is my main aim and goal.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am a semi-vegetarian, and supporter of animal rights. I can't believe the atrocities that occur in factory farms worldwide daily. It alarms me that animals can be treated in this way. I need to step up and support local dairy farmers and producers so that we eat locally and support the local farmer.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Living away from my garden and my infrastructure (bottling jars, containers, thermos for yoghurt, local swap) this year I feel a bit slack so this is a chance to refocus. Also really intrigued by how much food in the local organic shop comes from Spain, so going to try and dodge that for a week.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: After living overseas for a number of years and having the opportunity to travel extensively I have come to realise that one of the best ways to change the world (and make a positive difference) starts locally through community action. Now that we have put down roots (with a bambino and a home) I couldn't pass up the opportunity to participate in the 2014 Local Harvest Challenge to focus one week (and beyond) eating locally and sustainably sourced food.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Greenside
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We are totally committed to sustainable food growing for Australia. We are aware of the impacts of climate changes, peak oil and phosphate, competition for land use ( water and food VS coal, CSG ad other extractables). Australia is a net importer of all fruit and vegies - not acceptable. We are encouraging and providing training for our community on how to grow fresh, organic, nutritious vegetables and fruit. We are trying to reinvigorate horticulture as a career path for people. Farmers are now receiving an average of only 9% return for their produce - 40% is the minimum needed. Now that this gov't has decided to send fuel refining offshore it would only take one week break in supply for food delivery and production to cease (see NRMA report). There is a food and water related riot/incidence each week in the world... Australia has been shielded from this but not for much longer. If for no other reason growing and eating your own food is challenging, fun, rewarding, therapeutic and a wonderful way to get in touch with the environment.It also keeps you fit and healthy!
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Tucker Patch
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I care about where my food comes from and how it's produced, and while I think I already takes steps towards eating locally and sustainably, participating in a challenge will bring new perspective to my day-to-day experience.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I came across your website this weekend. Unfortunately, I don't live in Australia but I love the idea and would love to participate as an international guest. I was unable to find anything close to this in the area I live in the United States. I live in Kansas City, MO and would love to participate this year in your challenge. Maybe next year we could partner up as a sister city. Thank you for your consideration.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: There's always more I can do to reduce my environmental footprint.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: this sounds like fun - and is a way of getting people together to celebrate and to be more aware of sustainability issues - thanks for organsing it.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Moving back to simplicity
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: to learn more about local food sources
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We believe that eating locally is part of building a resilient, sustainable community, educated in good nutrition. Eating locally also reduces food miles (or kilometres!), and is part of making this a sustainable planet. Finally, it is fresher and we have more control over how the food has been grown and processed.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I've been trying for the past 18 months or so to live more ethically in a variety of ways including being aware of what I eat, what I purchase, what I throw away and what organisations I support. This challenge is a great incentive for me to put into practice a number of things I've been wanting to do for some time now.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: It is too easy to be slack with food and food choices. this is a good reminder not to always take the time poor option.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Already a keen vegie grower but keen to use local suppliers and finding out who they are.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: GreenGrowers
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Because I belong to a great veggie swap group and feel very encouraged by them. Would like to be able to eat from mostly Australian product, Victorian only is my goal.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Started with the Ethical guide to supermarket shopping, and loved it. Really need to support Australian food, even if it costs more.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Being a locavore is important to me, I like to grow and prepare as much of my own food as I can as well as buy locally grown produce where possible.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Visiting the local farmers market is my once-a-week indulgence. I love meeting the producers and enjoy the small talks with people in the community!
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I want to do it as a refresher, and to engage my kids in thinking about eating local
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Transition Hobsons Bay
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Belong to a Sustainability Group; dislike the non-ethics of the big supermarkets; want to reduce food miles.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We grow a lot of our own food, and yet we still let convenience dictate those regular trips to the supermarket. The challenge is a welcome way to focus on making the most of the healthy and diverse food we already have on our doorstep. It's also a brilliant way to discover other local food treasures - animal, vegetable and human!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Happy as Larry
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I often eat local, but want to challenge myself to do it exclusively for a week to learn more about what's around!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I would like to support local producers and start creating seasonal dishes
My team: Local Food Connect
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We have just moved to Bendigo, and are trying to re-locate ourselves in terms of food options. Have found some local growers at the weekly markets, but struggling to source affordable meat options. The Local Harvest challenge gives us inspiration to keep at it!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
Why I'm doing it: I would like to find out more about sourcing produce locally and promote this amongst my friends and colleagues.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Excited again to be intentionally trying to get our food from 'closer' than ever before. This year we're concentrating on using our own produce - so stuff from our garden and the things we've preserved throughout the year. Keen to do it with others this year too. We've a team called the 'westies'!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: To build on the changes we have already made to our procuring of our food.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: My family and I mostly eat home grown, or local produce and love to support local farmers. I am completing the challenge to discover some new producers and businesses. I am inviting others to join me in the Challenge and will use my blog to provide information and inspiration to others to make local food choices and share their experience. Follow at:
My team: A Fresh Legacy
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I regularly buy and consume local food and support local farmers by being in a co-op, but I'm interested taking that to the next step by trying to be 100% local for a week. Should be fun!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Feel we already do some local stuff but always keen to know how to do more.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: This is our second year with the Local Harvest Challenge. We love growing our own food and this year we also have our three entertaining chooks providing us with lots of eggs. Growing different types of veggies gives us lots of inspiration to try out new recipes explore different food traditions. This year we will also be exploring local farmers markets, farm gate stalls and other good local producers to source our food. Could be interesting! Check out our blog
My radius: In The Country
My team: Votedwithourforks
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I want to support the environment amd local produces and learn more about my area.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: We participated in the challenge last year and it really kicked off a year of exploring and change. We buy most of our food at the local farmers market, supermarkets are only visited for toilet paper and the like. I now make my own sourdough bread, cheese, yoghurt and more (even started to make my own soap) and have found thousands of like-minded people out there. Cooking has always been an important part of my day, I just like to eat well and we eat better than ever before, with much more veggies and fruit (although I do not eat meat since I was 12). It is possible to go more sustainable and local, even in big cities, you just need to look for it. Thank you Local Harvest for challenging, it has certainly changed my life and I look forward to learn so much more!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Starfruit
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I really want to reduce my impact on the environment and stop being a slave to the supermarket monsters!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am so passionate about supporting local produce - after starting to grow my own fruit, veggies and herbs a couple years ago, I am now super keen to help educate other people on how important, healthy and rewarding it can be to do this for yourself. I love teaching friends about how easy it is to grow even one or two of their favourite veggies and herbs and love to see their amazement when they realise how simple it can be!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Because its important on so many levels!
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: To me this is about our future food security being able to eat food that is safe from pesticides, chemicals, irradiation and GMO's. I want to be the change - this is about fighting a system that puts profits before people and the safety and security of our food supply
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Household
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I was initially inspired to shop at farmers' markets for health, enjoyment, and to get outdoors. I then started buying organic and picking up produce from a farmer in moorooduc, he and some others began to educate me on the nasties of chemically enhanced foods etc. and I bought a book called "Shop Ethical!" where I found your website and started surfing... to find this challenge, which I'll be getting my whole family and some friends involved in :-) Thank you!
My radius: Within My State
My team: The Munchies
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Im taking on the challenge because I beleive it will help to structure my current efforts for sustainable living.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I like a challenge - sometimes shopping for food just becomes a chore and no thought goes into where products come from - I have decided to become more organised in 2013, and look closely at our purchases and find out more about local producers and growers. This challenge will allow me to purposefully be in charge of where our food comes from.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: We like to eat seasonal, local, sustainably grown food the challenge is to see how self-sufficient we can be.
My team: High Steaks Farming
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am convener of local produce swap group so support any idea that promotes sourcing local seasonal food.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
Why I'm doing it: Shouldn't we all be doing this!!!
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I have been writing a blog all about growing and eating as much local food in the Darwin region- this can be quite challenging for many reasons. There is no local meat or dairy industry, 100% of dry food and 97% of fresh produce is trucked in more than 3000kms. Saying this there are great community gardens and networks- but right now these are small and we are trying to spread the word!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Numba 99
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: It's a great endeavour. People need to adapt their eating habits to the location they have chosen to inhabit. You will learn a lot about your local environment whilst feeling much closer to it.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Numba 99
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: see or or
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Transition Bondi
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: It's is the only way forward for our family
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: Westies
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: For a few years I have been slowly changing to many of the challenges mentioned above. I grow vegies and fruit but have had a disastrous season! I am part of a local food group which is promoting a variety of local food activities such as food swaps, community gardens, food co-ops, and many more. I am part of a Herdshare group, ferment various foods and grind our own grains. The challenge will enable me to share the commitment more with family and local friends!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Local Food Connect
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I have been living a Tassie-only diet for 11 months - I set myself a 12 month challenge and it is nearly over now. I won't lie - sourcing and eating only food grown in Tasmania has been harder than I imagined. But it has been worth it. My kids and I are much more aware of where everything we buy comes from now - not just food. My heart swelled when they noticed and asked me why all their toys are made in China and not Tasmania! A week is easy peasy people - just do it!!!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Eating Locally, Buying from Local Shops and enjoy fresh handmade meals not from over sized packaging.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I run a blog called I signed up before, but now have changed the details and will promote our team through different networks including community gardens and foodcareNT. It is challenging here as very few products are local. We will have a before workshop about stock piling/ making oil and one after- it is an awesome idea
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: FoodCareNT
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I currently endeavour to eat seasonal and local produce, however I want to challenge myself to branch out and source more local and ethical produce and products, which are not just your typical fruit and veg. I also want to use this challenge to show friends and family just how easy it is support our local economies, whilst helping our environment and our supporting our own health!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Great tasting & good quality food makes my belly smile - local, organic & ethically produced food makes my soul smile :)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I'm sick of wondering how long my food has been sitting in a warehouse, and having no understanding of if it has nutrients in it or not, this seems like a good way to start a new habit of buying better quality food and supporting the local market.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We love local foods anyway but to see this challenge is encouraging others to take part and really get behind sustainable local foods is fantastic!
My radius: Within My State
My team: 2KD
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I think it's important to support local producers, whom can guarantee your food. It is also a lot of fun growing and eating your own veges and fruit.
My radius: Within My State
My team: 2KD
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: to be more connected to where i live
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: FoodCareNT
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Live where eating local can be very difficult. Interested to see just how much can be achieved whilst still maintaining healthy balanced varied AND interesting diet.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: FoodCareNT
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To inspire a change in community behaviour and introduce a healthy, happy lifestyle that doesn't cost the earth.
My radius: Within My State
My team: The Ugly Duck Out
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am trying to help people to start organic gardens but struggle to push myself to eat well somedays. This will help me realize how far i have come as well as encourage me to get back on track with my objectives and my health.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Sounds like fun!
Why I'm doing it: Will be starting a week late due to a trip away but then a full week, extending to changing over as much as possible to local, sustainable, fairtrade and/or packaging free.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: to meet like minded people.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Keen to be part of the challenge - it's a part of our bigger project to eat sustainable, delicious food on a budget for 2013. More info here: Thanks Sustainable Table!
My radius: Within My State
My team: Our Food Roots
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I feel I've gotten slack about my food choices and living sustainably. I even missed Lent this year (my usual recharging time on packaging and supermarket reduction). And a friend told me about the challenge so I'm in! It also ties into some things we are getting our students to inquire about next term, so I'm hoping to get some background info.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I think that I am trying to eat locally and sustainably wherever possible but I want to use the challenge to really focus my thinking and allow me to examine where I am sourcing my food from. I am going to blog about my experience at to try and highlight the fact that eating locally (particularly in WA) isn't as hard as people think.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: i already do this, i have a garden with over 140 varieties of edible plants, live across the road from the mulchpiy community garden am the grounds coordinator for lakeside drive community garden at alawa (7mins bike ride) and deliver produce from aweganic gardens (my microfarm) to darwins only organic food retail outlet which is only 700 odd footsteps away. and support with growing finances and implementation of the top end edible verges project wullla!!!!!!!!
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: aweganicgardens
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: we are doing it because we have a free range egg farm and have just started the hunt for really good food grown locally and as fresh as we can get
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Happychook
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Well a friend sent me email to register for local food care meetthis sunday at humpty doo nt
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My team: the green family
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Great community awareness/initiative
My team: Lake Weyba Community
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: It is natural for me to garden, grow some food and herbs, be part of community, however when short on time, funds or fitness it is too easy to just grab whatever is quick and available. Challenging ourselves to focus on what we can change, to the extent we, as a family, are able leaves room for plenty of positive choices.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Locals for locals
Why I'm doing it: We are doing this to show that it is easy to eat local (even on a budget) with a little planning and organising.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
Why I'm doing it: I love our veggie garden and am often inspired by what it offers for my menu. I love to support local and Australian growers and where possible enjoy organic produce, and the challenge gives me a chance to be even more conscious of what I am feeding my temple <3
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: To support sustainable initiatives, creating a 'back to basics' approach to living off the land and protecting the Earth's precious resources. Borrowing and using the land, animals and plants in the most sustainable, renewable method we know how.
My radius: Within My State
My team: earth growers
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I work for Oxfam and we are starting a 6 month challenge series so I'd like to collaborate and cross-promote the work you are doing as much as possible. Our program can be seen at:
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: See blog of Challenge week at
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: This challenge seems to be the perfect way to support local, ethical produce and eat healthily at the same time.
My radius: Within My State
My team: Strawberry Fields
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I want to live more sustainably to lower my impact on the earth. I also want to start gardening to teach my daughter where food comes from and for us to be able to eat healthy, organic foods without a huge cost.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I decided to take the challenged so I expand my knowledge of local produce. I already shop weekly at the farmers market but would like to know even more local choices. My inspiration is my children. Knowing they will make healthier more ethical choices as adults because of what they learn from me today.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: By supporting local produce there will be more of it to choose from
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Have PDC and a garden growing veggies and herbs, some chooks and half a dozen fruit trees( not all producing yet). Want to reduce food miles further to decrease carbon footprint.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Household
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I already follow a lifestyle with many of the above "challenges" and would like to challenge myself further....
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I realised I had been on a diet since age 7, I am now 33. I am sick and tired of my dysfunctional relationship with food. I have long been a fan of River Cottage, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, when I think about slow food, growing and going to markets, I feel happy, and my relationship with food feels right.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: Within My State
My team: Skinny's
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Involved in Growing Abundance Project - wanted to support this and find out how it works. Would be good to connect our work with yours.... I have only ticked extra things i will do this week - already doing most other things since being involved with Growing Abundance since 2010
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Chemical free diet, joy of home made home gt Grown, sharing caring and promoting sustainable energy
My radius: In The Country
My team: glenelgins
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: 2 months ago I changed our families diet to additive free... no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. It has been a fantastic change for the better, this is the next step.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
Why I'm doing it: I am a member of Sustainable Communities SA and we aim at much of this all the time. This will help me focus on new things I can do and think about.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Household
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: As a garden writer, and long term advocate of growing organic fruit and veg, the Local Harvest Challenge is about putting my words into practice to an even greater extent.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Hampton Harvest
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I love this challenge! My husband, two children and I live on a farm just out of Orange NSW where we raise deer. We sell our venison (Mandagery Creek Venison) at farmers markets and through our network of local food stores in this area. Orange has a really strong local food and wine culture so we are lucky to have access to some beautiful local produce. Plus, as we attend farmers markets in Sydney most weekends we also buy bread/cheeses and other produce there too. That said, I still find I make at least one trip to the supermarket every week for boring household items such as porridge oats, nappies and tinned tomatoes. This challenge will be a great way for me to see if I can actually avoid the supermarket all together and not blow our budget!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: we do some of this already and want to encourage any movements involved in this. plus, school holidays makes it easier to do it as a famiy learning exercise. thanks for making the info available about who's where and doing what. makes our job much easier.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Many of the challenges we do sporadically or used to do a lot more. The challenge is a great opportunity to refocus and realign our everyday actions with sustainable and ethical processes and systems and support people growing and producing fair, tasty food.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We are so lucky to have a great farmers market nearby, a garden patch, local butchers, and friends who grow fruit. Yet we still find ourselves short of time and taking shortcuts when we don't really need to.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: The food tastes so much better, and we like to support local businesses and people
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: Team Walker
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Increases my awareness
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Love the 100 mile concept and the power it has of improving our community and reducing the impact on the planet of Green house gases. It just makes sense, doesnt it?
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: We have teamed up with other high profile 'foodies' in the Orange region (NSW) to prove that eating locally almost all the time is completely possible. We will all be blogging, tweeting and Facebook'ing our results with all ingredients coming from A Slice of Orange - regional providore.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: After watching "Hungry for change" online, my partner and I realised how we are now eating too much processed foods and how we need to get back to nature, the way our body functions best! we are going to eat only food that we eat in its natural form, like an apple instead of a muesli bar! We have a herb garden which we are adding too and we are going to support local farmers and food stores by not buying from the grocery store.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I love healthy fresh food with great taste and Woolworths, Coles, Aldi etc. just don't cut it! For a long time I've been appauled that produce takes so long, and travels so far to get to a supermarket shelf and I'm excited about doing something about it, even if it's just a small step in the right direction.
My radius: Within My State
My team: SmallSteps
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I seek to grow my own vegetables. They taste much better and are organically grown. Unfortunately I am not able to have a continuous suppy so we have to buy some things.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I'm traveling for the week April 1-8. Usually I'd 'take the easy route' and buy meals from takeaway shops and cafes but I'm going to try my best to buy from markets, cutdown on packaging and eat organic / local products!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My team: The good seeds
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I've always been interested in healing (and am studying naturopathy at the moment). One of the 'laws' of naturopathy and homeopathy is "let your food be your medicine". As a Wiccan, and environmentalist, this really rang home. Lately I have been through a bad time with my family members developing cancer and other illnesses and myself with celiac and nut allergies. I wonder how many of our illnesses can be conquored before they even occur using food as our medicine. Eating locally and organically not only makes people happy, but our earth happy.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Have a chemical free pasture raised farm producing chooks, ducks,rabbits and heritage pork
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I started reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver last year and it really opened my eyes to how satisfying this could be. It's a big challenge! A lot will need to change... almost a fresh start really. But I'm sure it will be worth it!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I love the idea of this, I like to think this is not just for a week but for a lifetime. I believe I make pretty good choices relating to food, but, I think you can always challenge yourself even further. Looking at the list of challenges I can already see a few new things to try.
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Be the change you want to see in the world " Ghandi.. That says it all . Be accountable for what I do . Feel and eat !!!
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: Within My State
My team: BuySA
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: It's a great idea!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: To try to improve the environmental sustainability of my lifestyle, support local producers, learn new skills and ideas and investigate society's dependence on overseas markets and the dominance and reliance on supermarkets in Australia.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am on a continual sustainability journey and am trying to become more in tune with how my eating impacts the earth. I love good food and know that there is a whole world of wonderful food out there that I am missing out on by just shopping at the big supermarkets.
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I heard about the challenge from my local coop. I'm doing it because every small change I make adds up to be a much larger change. Also once I adopt some practices I will most likely continue with them after the challenge.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I do a bit, but i get slack about calling in to supermarkets when i'm not organised. Want to make lots of the products I buy eg bread, pasta. Maybe try make own soymilk. And yay to team captain for organising this:)
My radius: Within My State
My team: SmallSteps
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I am passionately committed to creating sustainable local food systems and am heavily involved in our local food cooperative in Tassie. I also grow my own and coordinate gatherings for other growers to connect.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: We need to support our farmers and small communities so that we can be truly sustainable for the future.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: Joining with six other businesses (A Slice of Orange, Define Wine, Racine Restaurant, Bendy Street Emporium, Hamiltons Bluff and Mandagery Creek Venison) in the Central West (Orange/Canowindra regions) to promote our businesses and to prove/show that locals can purchase enough food/produce locally to feed their households!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: Living at Hamiltons Bluff Vineyard in Canowindra (near Orange), NSW, I already source a significant amount of produce from within a 100 mile radius, but this challenge will step things up a notch. Although not an official "team", I will be taking up the challenge with other regional foodies - A Slice of Orange, The Bendy Street Emporium in Canowindra, Nashdale Fruit Co. and Local Lovely. Together, we will blog, tweet and Facebook our Local Harvest Challenge.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: It just makes sense.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I live 15 mins north of Melbourne Airport and are surrounded by local producers. I also make a few items at home from things I grow. I'm interested to see if food expensive when it is grown locally!
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Wishing to challenge myself more and more to be more and more conscious fo what foods we eat and where is it coming from.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My team: The Inspiration Garden
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I have been growing my own good for a number of years and have recently started a local business to help others do the same. My aim is to ever increase the contribution I make to producing and preserving my own food. I have recently started making my own sourdough, I make yoghurt and am planning on working on getting my own hive by the end of the year. We also have chooks. We save loads of money and eat super tasty and spunky looking food we produce. I want to show my young son where food really comes from and provide him with the skills to grow his own.
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am well aware that our food chain has been compromised and I want to know more about local produce grown by local farmers.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I think I do it already mostly
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: A friend of mine has inspired me to try this. I grew up on a farm so the idea of this is not really new to me.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I'm looking at food alternatives to the major shops!
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: I live smack bang in the middle of the city but have a husband from the country and a beautiful little girl. I have a pretty good inner-city balcony edible garden and am interested in urban foraging. I think we need to protect our food source and better utilise space for growing food within our cities.
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: After becoming a vegetarian 6 months ago it seemed logical to start my own vege garden. As a result I am able to enjoy fresh homegrown veges, save $'s and any fruit purchased is lobtained locally. (within 5kms.) Happy to share info/seeds/excess veges with other local people.
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
Why I'm doing it: Want to stimulate my local food resources both grown in the local area and support local businesses so they thrive and supply me with fresh local produce so in times of change or disaster I have a good supply of local food
My radius: 100 Mile Trial (Within 160km)
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
Why I'm doing it: I am trying to grow more vegies from heritage seeds and from my own seeds. Also grow more soft fruits etc but my area is very dry therefore need to do this without buying tank water so mulching and reuse of grey water.
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
Why I'm doing it: I am signed up with Sustainable Table and I love what they do, they introduced you guys to me.
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: On My Bike (25 kms)
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: In The Country
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Meal-sized (14+ things)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Feast-sized (only locally and sustainably produced food)
My radius: Within My State
My Challenge: Bite-sized (7 things)