We’re in BETA mode

This is a BETA version, meaning the website is in development – a work in progress, with more to come.

Features in place now are:

  • National directory and mapping resource, with over 1800 listees, search by postcode to find resources close to you
  • A selection of growers stories
  • A selection of DIY resources
  • Local Harvest Challenge information, registration and blogs

Features yet to come are:

  • Refinement of mapping tool
  • Events listings and calender feature
  • Ability for listees to blog their own stories
  • Further integration between mapping listings and DIY resources
  • Newsletter
  • Forum
This is a community project, so although we seek to make it comprehensive, this process does rely on the community adding to our database with listings and information. If you know of something we’ve missed, please let us know. You can add a listing here, or give feedback here.