The Sharehood

The Sharehood aims to build joyful, sustainable and resilient communities by encouraging people to get to know their neighbours and share with them. We imagine a world of vibrant local communities...

Melbourne VIC 3000

What's it all about?

The Sharehood aims to build joyful, sustainable and resilient communities by encouraging people to get to know their neighbours and share with them. We imagine a world of vibrant local communities where people share to meet their needs and help others do the same. We want to contribute to active, inclusive and environmentally sustainable communities where resources are shared locally. This will means less production, less consumption and less transportation - all of which are good for the environment. And of course sharing will save you money. The Sharehood also incorporates an alternative currency which can be used for bigger trades with the aim of creating local non-exploitative community economies.

Related Keywords: alternative economy barter sahre


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.