Today revolved around H’s first ever trip to see a musical, courtesy of her grandma, so the harvest challenge wasn’t too central to our day. We started with our oats, sweetened with a bit of honey, and some Timboon milk. Then we headed into town. The only local food items on our agenda were tomatoes and honey, lots of honey. Tomatoes because I’d realized that this week, our tomatoes have really and truly finished for the year. I am hoping to get enough cherries for a salad at the end of the week, but that will be it! The honey is a much more exciting venture, because mum’s quince tree has been extremely generous this year. We came home on Easter Sunday with a huge bag of quinces and my plan is to preserve them in honey using this recipe. I have only done preserving with sugar before, so that will be tomorrow’s experiment.
During the day we ate at the Vic Market and a cafe where we didn’t have much idea about the source of our food. (well, actually, I did probably know that my coffee was not grown in Victoria, but…)
Dinner was back on track. Baked potatoes and baked eggs with eggplant and basil from the garden and tomatoes, followed up with grapes. Yum again!