I decided to do some shopping today to stock up for the challenge. Because I knew I could buy in bulk, they source locally and they have lots of information about where everything comes from, I decided to go to CERES. This is a little bit dodgy, because it is 35 minutes in the car each way, and I could have got a box from our local food host if I’d been more organised, but CERES is a nice place to hang out. So off we went, and loaded up the basket with lots of awesome fresh Victorian fruit and veg. Probably the only thing we would usually get that we had to leave was carrots. Put down basket to get out wallet. Rifled through cloth bags and empty laundry liquid bottle. No wallet. Search down right to the bottom of backpack. Find one black pair of socks. No wallet. Double checked all six pockets of my jeans. Definitely no wallet. But, this being CERES, a most lovely and generous woman approached “Can I help?”. On hearing of our plight, she actually paid for our groceries for us, and definitely turned around a no good very bad start!
I finally get home with vegies, no dairy and no drygoods for the week. So, after I dropped off the junior and senior Bulldogs members at the train, I headed off to the more local organic store. It was pretty exciting to find some oats from Nhill, which sneak just inside our Victorian border, but quite dismal to realise no flour could be had. There go my plans for pizza, home made bread and pasta. And my promise to the kids that though they couldn’t have weet-bix, we could have pancakes, every morning if they wanted! Apparently all wheat grown in Vic is milled at a giant mill near Tamworth. The internet will need to be my friend, as I’m pretty sure the 20kg bags of spelt flour we used to get from the Melbourne Uni Food Co-op (when we were more young and less slack) were grown and milled in Victoria. Sure enough, Powlett Hill flour is milled on the property where it is grown, out past Daylesford and Castlemaine. Yayyyy! But where can I get it? That’s right, at CERES!