Find Fresh Food on the Local Harvest Map. Zoom in or radius filter to find farmers markets , food swaps and box systems close to you.
Food Swaps
Turning lemons into pumpkins isn’t as tricky as it sounds. There’s no divine intervention required, no incantation to recite, and absolutely no genie involved. All that’s needed is to swap your excess lemons with someone else’s excess pumpkins. Simple, really.
Find Food Swaps on the Local Harvest Map.
Food Boxes
Box schemes are a system of purchasing organic fruit and vegetables that has really taken off. Generally, they involve a supplier delivering a box of fresh, seasonal organic food, either directly to your door or to a local drop-off point.
Box schemes bring back trust, human scale and a local identity to food. The closer link between farmer and consumer tends to guarantee the quality of the food. Farmers who use a box scheme to sell their produce tend to employ more people per hectare, and provide livelihoods for farm families on a much smaller area than conventional farming. Prices are usually comparable to supermarket prices, because of fewer middle-people and lower overheads
Find Box systems on the Local Harvest Map.
Farmers’ Markets
A local market is a great way to spend a leisurely weekend morning browsing for fresh produce and gourmet goodies, and a farmers’ market sounds doubly appealing — a real connection to where the food comes from and how it’s produced.
Farmers’ markets can give you great seasonal fresh produce, with the opportunity to connect with the people who grew it.
Find Box systems on the Local Harvest Map.