Nick Ray: 2014 – DAY 6 and DAY 7 … chips and popcorn

12th April, 2014 —   


No time to think about food. Friday saw a day of extracting the honey from our 3 boxes  (24 frames) which we kersnaffled from the hives in Buxton last weekend.

Brekky was our eggs on our toast. Lunch saw Janet returning, from taking the kids swimming, with local chips (ie the chip shop is local). Who knows where the actual spuds were grown? Potatoes are grown in every state (VIC 24%, TAS 20%, SA 19%, QLD 13%, NSW 12%, WA 11%).  I’m hoping that they were from somewhere like VFMA accredited Jones Potatoes in Warragul, Gippsland.



Amongst Charlie and Talitha’s Christmas gifts this last year were 1970’s space lego, 4 juvenile axolotls, and the most environmentally unfriendly kitchen appliance I have ever bought. It was a popcorn-maker, which is basically a large electric hair-dryer. Despite the foreboding, it has served us well this year providing a quickly prepared snack for school lunches and movie nights.

We went to the zoo today and took along a really big bag of popcorn. I contacted the supplier Eco-Farms to find out any information on the origins of this ‘Absolute Organic’ branded and ‘Product of Australia’ /  ‘ACO certified’ labeled Popcorn. Turns out it’s supplied by Kialla Foods and grown in the Darling Downs in Queensland (1,700 kms). How many middle-men in this commodity chain?

We also ate fruit (more Coffs Harbour bananas and Poppy-apples) and left-overs from the last few meals. When we’d seen the frogs, giraffes, seals and lemurs, played in the big tree, and gone on the carousels, it was time to play zookeepers. But not before the long-awaited “I need to have a snack that you buy” time. With the kids sucking on their Streets icy-poles – the small ones that cost less – I read the labels. Only to find they were made in … yes… China. I was sure that Unilever manufactured Australian ice-creams in their factory in Minto, NSW. However turns out that since the year 2000, Paddle Pops have been manufactured in China (~8,900 kms).  I suspect Calippos too. And this forum suggest Magnums are from far yonder.

Our final meal was another dinner of carrot soup from the freezer, chops, and silverbeet from our garden.


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Name: Nick Ray
Suburb: Footscray
State: VIC
Team: Westies
Size: Feast-sized

Nick Ray's Challenges

  • Source local meat & cheeses
  • Shop at a local food coop, buy in bulk, take your own containers
  • Shop at a local food coop, buy in bulk, take your own containers
  • Shop at a local food coop, buy in bulk, take your own containers
  • Buy cruelty free eggs (laid by happy chooks!)
  • Go foraging! - eat edible weeds
  • Harvest and eat food from your own garden
  • Cook with seasonal produce
  • Go plastic-free packaging
  • Go plastic-free packaging
  • Go plastic-free packaging
  • Start a worm farm
  • Visit a local commuity garden
  • Join a food coop
  • Join a CSA farm
  • Speak with your school canteen about local sourcing