Local Bread – where to get the best!


Find local bakeries and retailers of artisan bread on the Local Harvest Map. Zoom in or radius filter to find Bakeries close to you.

Real Bread? – Because not all loaves are created equal

“Over the millennia that bread has occupied a central role in mankind’s life and diet, it’s had some rough spots. One particular low point: the demonic rise of ultra-refined industrial bread in the middle of the last century, to be followed in quick, pitiless succession by the bread boycott sanctioned by Dr. Atkins and his low-carb comrades. (These events weren’t related, but they should have been.) Even while calorie counters were eschewing the staff of life in the eighties and nineties, real bread—in its naturally leavened, long-fermented, hearth-baked form—was enjoying a bit of a comeback hereabouts, thanks to pioneers whose skinny sourdough ficelles flooded gourmet stores and corner delis, reeducating the crust-deprived populace on how to chew.” (adapted from here)

Big bread

In Australia, bread is big business, with grocery (supermarket) chains accounting for approximately two thirds (62%) of the total market share for the volume of bread sold, and the remaining 38% being a combination of other independent bread stores and bakery chains. The grocery sector is primarily comprised of in-house Private Label (PL) brands (including in-store bakeries), and brands under the two key manufacturers, Goodman Fielder  and George Weston Foods. (source, Roy Morgan, 2009).

Best bread

However there’s some amazing alternatives.

See artisan bakeries on the Local Harvest Map, compiled from sourdough.com , the premier resource for doing it yourself; and from Dan Lepard’s blog – top 13 greatest bread stops in Melbourne .


More on baking your own at Sourdough.com.