Rubarb Wholefoods

Dry goods, organic, local produce, cafe

129 Buckley Street Seddon VIC 3011 0481 322 417
I have a blog, you can read it here;

What's it all about?

Rubarb Wholefoods is a cafe, dry goods coop, and a social enterprise. Bring in your own containers to fill up with grains and essentials. Wonderful space, lovely atmosphere, good food. Serving up a seasonal menu crafted from local and sustainable produce.
See Lauren's Footscray Food Blog for a great write-up:

Related Keywords: bulk foods organic bio-dynamic grains chai cafe wholefoods


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.