Maribyrnong Edible Garden

Maribyrnong Edible Garden was established in July 2012. It consists of 55 individual wicking beds, orchards, a cob oven, community compost bins, worm farms and a variety of community beds..

What's it all about?

Maribyrnong Edible Garden (MEG) aims to provide an edible and sustainable community garden with individual plots and community areas for fruit, herbs and facilities. It is a venue for people who are interested in food.
We want to bring gardeners together in a sense of community to share and enjoy their knowledge, culture, ideas and experiences and to provide education to garden members and the wider community on sustainable gardening and related issues.
We also want to provide an edible garden for members’ children to teach them about sustainable gardening and to enable them to enjoy the produce they create.
And lastly, we want to bring nature into the lives of members by creating a central gathering place in a harmonious setting.

Related Keywords: organic sustainable community wicking


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