Abbotsford Wooden Box

A seasonal box of veggies and fruits delivered to your door- in a cute wooden box, sealed with a collectable recipe.

What's it all about?

Each box is filled with a seasonal variety of Organic Fruit and Vegetables.
With 3 size boxes to chose, there's something of everyone.
Each week will include some pantry favourites, such as carrots, potatoes, and onions and we aim for it to be an exciting mix of Organic Seasonal Produce.All of your produce is packed in a gorgeous wooden box. Why? Well we think it makes it easier for you to deal with and it looks nicer too, not to forget the environment. Its a great system for busy people who like beautiful things in their life!
Then when your next delivery is due, simply place your empty box on your front step and we will replace it with a fresh one.
Easy peasey is the way we like it!!

Related Keywords: organic wooden boxes veggies fruit delivery


Where to go?

We deliver our product within a 10km radius of our location.

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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.