West Footscray/Maidstone Local Harvest Sharing

Monthly community gatherings to share excess produce, seeds, home made goodies, ideas and more. 10-11.30am every third Sunday of the month.

Maidstone Community Centre, Gibbs Street Maidstone VIC 3012

What's it all about?

Bring your home-grown or home-cooked goodies and a spirit of generosity to our Local Harvest Sharing. Think excess veggies, herbs, seeds, seedlings, coffee grounds, worm juice, baked goods, preserves etc. Browse the community garden and stay for a cuppa and chat, sharing growing and cooking tips and meeting the neighbours. (Oh, and take home something new and different to try too!)
Maidstone Community Centre - enter via the garden in Gibbs Street.

Related Keywords: swap share veggie local community


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.